You have just graduated from a university, technical college or comparable institution? Now you would like to use your acquired knowledge in practice, make a difference, learn lots of new things, and more over you would like to deal with tasks that appeal to you and help you to move forward? Then please contact us.
The preconditions
- A technical university or college degree or a comparable post-secondary higher education
- Strong communication and team skills
- Independent and motivated working style
- German: fluent in word and writing
Your tasks
We are looking for graduates in the fields of IT consulting, software development, web-design and quality assurance/software testing.
Your advantages
- Intensive support and steep learning curve guaranteed by a mentor during the introduction phase
- Possibility to take over responsibility and your own topics/projects very quickly
- Intensive increase in know-how and experience enabled through cross-functional and changing project teams as well as broadly diversified project tasks for premium customers such as AUDI AG or Flughafen Muenchen (Airport Munich)
- Continuous alignment and planning (road map) of individual goals and careers, offering options to become a specialist or to take over responsibility for other employees